Technology FAQ

How long does it take to create a Custom Web Application?

Creating a customer web application takes a varied amount of time. This comes down to a mixture of requirements, complexity, and testing time. Simple projects can be as short as a month while larger projects are up to a year.

A simple project like this site, which is a web application was roughly 15 hours of work. It was written from scratch without fancy tools such as WordPress or other automated software. We do this to reduce reliance on third parties and aim for minimal long term maintenance in doing so.

Software is complex and rarely as simple as it seems. We strive to get as close to what you want while balancing the technology environment you operate in and necessary security protections to ensure that your business data remains protected.

What does a web application project look like?

Before any code is written, we sit down with a customer in a few meetings to get a list of needs, wants and nice to haves in a potential product. We create a working mockup (code-free) version of what the solution could look like.

Once the customer agrees with the mockup, we provide a rough weekly to bi-weekly schedule of how the creation process will work. In this, they can expect to see deliverable progress as the project takes shape. This helps with business planning and ensuring that any hardware needs that are required to be setup or configured for the environment are completed prior to the project reaching the testing phase. We then work through testing and bug corrections in the time leading up to production/deployment for use in your business environment.

What if I want to make changes during a project?

We work with customers to make corrections as a project progresses. We understand that not all requirements or needs are foreseen early on. We do our best to identify every possible issue or potential correction before a project begins, but things do change sometimes. We work with a customer to let them know what the time cost/delay could be and what impact it could have on the deployment schedule. We would rather be upfront about whether a feature change would be beneficial or could be delayed until after the initial project is complete.